Friday, December 29, 2006

A winter of depair

IT is amazing how the following lines from a Charles Dickens’ novel depict the situation in our country at present. ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of disbelief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.'
The Nation January 12, 2007
The Year 2006

The year 2006 was ‘the year of Our Lord’ in uniform; it was the year of the Saviour of the Democracy. It was the year of great economic success; it was the year of complete peace. It was the year of great development in Health and Education sector. It was the year of true democracy. It was the year laden with relief packages; it was the year of the common lot. It was time of despair for those in exile, but for those at home it was the beginning of a truly moderate and enlightened Islamic Republic.