Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ali Baba 40 Chor

Once upon a time there lived a merchant with his family. God bestowed them with a son and they named him Ali. Ali was a brilliant kid and did well in studies; it was evident that he would do great in life. Time passed by, Ali grew up and became a lawyer. This wearer of the black coat had taken it on himself to fight for justice and for his people. Time went by and it so happened that he won his people a precious piece of land. His dedication to his people had proved that he was an altruistic persona and a true leader.
Hard work told upon his health and he left hundreds of thousands sobbing, some of whom have their eyes still wet with tears and some of whom are still weeping not just for Ali’s death but also for the misfortune that befell his people and the land of theirs'. After Ali’s death, no one cared for the piece of land that Ali had won and it turned to shambles. Time gave the people chances to undo the wrongs already been done but it turned out that their precious piece of land had fallen into the hands of the thieves. The thieves and the opportunists did their best to plunder the people and soon they were robbed of almost all they had.
The story doesn't end here. The looting still continues, the thieves are on the loose. We have them all around us in every other corner of the street now, let alone the government. How ironic that we had Muhammad Ali, a hero and now we have Asif Ali, again a hero. Silence is golden, so much the truth.

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