There are always two sides to a picture and the same is true of situations where you have to strike a balance between who is right and who is wrong. The analysis of the sudden change in lawyers’ behavior toward officials of other departments, prima facie, brings three possible explanations. One, that as upholders of justice they want to leave no stone unturned in order to eradicate corruption and unfair practices. Two, that having earned public’s sympathy as a consequence of CJ’s restoration they have, perhaps, gone out of their mind and hence the improper behavior. The third possibility is a situation that affirms both the above situations.
No prudent mind would advocate lawyers’ behavior toward the Revenue staff or the police official, more so when its footage was telecast by several TV channels. Corruption of Revenue department and atrocities of police find no equal in our country, I highly approve of any action that should be taken against lawyers if they are found guilty in these incidents and would even go on to say that their license to appear as a pleader in the court of law should be canceled. However, the inquiry should be conducted in a clean way without any prejudice to any side with an opportunity given to both sides to prove their innocence because reliance cannot be placed at the footage of our electronic media which is best at giving its own meanings to a situation while the reality is otherwise.
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